Friday, July 20, 2012

Invitation to Participate in Research - Nicky Israel

Dear everyone

As you are probably aware, classes for PSYC3014 next week have been cancelled due to Dr Pitman being away at the ICP 2012. On Monday, I approached the class to invite anyone who would be interested to please consider participating in my pilot study for my PhD during this time:

*Why?: I am in the process of piloting my instruments for my study and therefore need a sample that is ‘psychometrically’ aware, which you, as third year Psychology students, are. My topic is based in cognitive psychology (different approaches to cognitive problem solving), so I also thought you might find it interesting.

*Any benefits?: All students who complete the questionnaires will get (a) brief individual feedback regarding an aspect of their personal learning style; (b) entry into a draw to win prizes (first prize is a netbook or laptop*; you will need to keep your informed consent sheet*)
*What to do?: participating will involve completing a set of questionnaires that should take approx. 1 hour in one sitting, as well as completing a short additional questionnaire that should take about 10 mins (most of this questionnaire can be completed at the same time as the main set; however there is one question you will only be able to answer once you have your feedback)

*When?: Wednesday 25th July in U2 between 8h00-10h00 or Thursday 26th July between 10h15-12h00 in WB2.

*Ethics?: choosing to participate or not to participate in the study is completely your choice and will have no effect whatsoever on your marks or any aspect of your academic life. Your answers will be anonymous.

*For more details, please consult the full informed consent sheet:

 If you would be willing to consider participating in my research I would hugely appreciate it.

Thanks and kind regards,

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